Cubic Sketchbook



This is where I'll be keeping all the stories I've written or will write for my series. To me, writing is important because it's a lot easier than writing and drawing a comic, and yet gives me a chance to bring my characters to life. I'm not a very good writer, and these stories, as far as I've posted so far, are all written several years ago, so please don't expect them to be very good, or good at all. In fact, it's best that you leave now, really.



The Oath

The first short story I wrote for the Picaresque series, it serves as a bit of an introduction to the characters of Ria and Gran. It was written quite a while ago, but I still like it, I guess; it's just a very short sorta mushy look into the mind of Ria. The fighting is pretty crappy, I can't write a fight scene if my life depended on it. The characters are a tiny bit different, at this point, Gran was still supposed to be a carefree wanderer rather than a morose serious wanderer. I actually like him a lot more that way, but storyline forces me to change him a bit; maybe I can coax the story a bit more so he can be like his old self again. A quick read, and doesn't contribute much to the storyline, but brings in a bit of background on Knights. Made me go "awww" upon rereading it though.


Magic Lesson

An incomplete story I wrote after The Oath. I don't like this one too much because I changed a lot of the terminology in later years, so it's a bit silly to read. It's not so much a story as it is background, Ria explains the various forms of magic to Gran here. It shows the full extent of my madness, as I got to actually describing how various magic systems work, not that it makes terribly much sense or anything, but still. Not really worth the read unless you're really interested in the Picaresque world.



Full Circle/Rebellion

First Night

The first story I ever wrote for my characters, it's vastly incomplete and full of errors, both grammatically and storyline-wise. When I first wrote this I was intending it to continue on for ages and ages, but I really wrote myself into a corner, especially since the action in FC/R is extremely episodic; I had specific events planned but no way to link all of them. This story is really the very beginning of the storyline, introducing the characters of Mark, Silver, and JaKi as well as the Understreets and ClubSquaredCube; Lawrence and Pheen make an appearance too, and MCMC and DJ Chisuzu are both mentioned. At this point Mark's personality (and right now too, actually) wasn't solidified, I wasn't sure to make him seem helpless or capable, but he's mostly the former in this story. Silver is a bit too informal, and I'm not sure if I like Pheen as I presented her here (once again, I was teetering between making her a bright, cheerful girl or a soulless, stoic one, once again opting for the former), JaKi is stupid for walking around without some sort of disguise, and Lawrence still has his stupid hair in this iteration. All that being said, I don't hate this story, and I doubt I could write it better today if I tried.


The first short story I've written literally in years. It's not very good, I like some of the older works here a whole lot more, there's simply too much talk in this one, and not in the good way. It's missing the element of slight humour that the original Full Circle story had, and seriously the plot doesn't make much sense. But at least DJ Chisuzu, one of my fave characters, gets a few lines here, and Sync (warning, link contains major spoilers), is introduced. I sorta wish I gave Pheen a few lines though, I like her a lot. Ruby is mentioned slightly without any introduction whatsoever. Worse yet Ruby wasn't even in the previous story, so it seems even weirder to have her here. So I'll introduce her here, she's a shy, quiet sorta girl who hails from the Western Rim; she begged Full Circle to let her join so she can find her younger sister who's been taken by Etrius. She's not that great at fighting and her offensive magic isn't so good, but she's a great healer. After she joins, her and Mark sorta develop a thing for each other. I like her character too, actually, maybe I'm too attached to my characters ^^;


Home Sweet Home

<Description pending ^^>




<Home> <W> <A> <D> <G> <C> <T> <S> <B> <L> <M>


All documents and images unless otherwise noted are copyright 2000-2004 by cubeSquared, Lionel Tao. All other documents and images are copyright by their respective owners. All characters are copyright trademarked to cubeSquared, Lionel Tao 2000-2004. All other characters are trademarks of their respective owners. Are you reading this? Good, then you better not steal, stealing's just plain wrong.