Cubic Sketchbook




What's the Cubic Sketchbook?


    The Cubic Sketchbook is a group of cross-cultural experiments. First and foremost, the Sketchbook itself is a small comic, published by means of an inkjet priter, showcasing different stories and worlds, along with art and designs and short stories; done in the style of 同人誌 (doujinshi), or Japanese indy comics. The art is a constant experiment, I like to try new mediums sometimes, draw new things, try new outfits on my characters. People say it reflects an anime or manga feel, even though I don't like to categorize myself in either; though I do appreciate their unique styles of design. The site itself is an experiment as well, in trying to create a Japanese style art site in English. Everything from the menu to the style the gallery is set up, as well as the mascot is based on the template of many Japanese artists' sites. The site is currently with Keenspace, an American comickers's  service, and will be applying for a space in the Japanese artists directory Tinami soon.



Who are you?


    I am the terror who flaps in the night! Cubesquared!!! I'm a self taught "artist" who's currently employed full-time as a student. My blood type is O+ and I'm a Gemini born in the year of the Ox. I don't have my three sizes because no one cares to know, and I've never really measured. I'm a mushy romantic sort who likes long walks in the moonlight, or that special little place that only you can find. My favourite artists are too many to list, but my favourite animes are Lain, Haibane, FLCL, and Ranma 1/2; and my fave mangas are Chobits, Clover, and Love Hina. I like Coca Cola, it kicks ass, though Tahiti Treat, root beer, Sprite, Clearly Canadian, orange soda, and Cherry Coke also meet my pallet often. My influences in terms of art are sprites from FFVI and SaGa Frontier, and a lot of RPGs influence my designs. I like cats. I'm not sure if you can tell, but I'm a bit random too.
    If you really wanna know more about me, I'm sure you'll find some way.


(Under construction)



<Home> <W> <A> <D> <G> <C> <T> <S> <B> <L> <M>


All documents and images unless otherwise noted are copyright 2000-2004 by cubeSquared, Lionel Tao. All other documents and images are copyright by their respective owners. All characters are copyright trademarked to cubeSquared, Lionel Tao 2000-2004. All other characters are trademarks of their respective owners. Are you reading this? Good, then you better not steal, stealing's just plain wrong.